Donations:Donating Food

  • Food Drives

    Food Drives are a fun and easy way for the community to contribute to the Food Bank in a tangible way. WMFB provides collection barrels and posters. Then, the organization (civic group, church, school, company, association) encourages its members, staff, clients and vendors to donate non-perishable food items. The drive can be held for a day, week, month or a time you designate. When the food drive is complete, we will arrange to pick up the filled food collection barrels.

    Contact: Amy Moyer

  • Food Industry Donations

    Thousands of pounds of food come in through growers, wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers and grocers. These donors provide the Western Maryland Food Bank with items like non–perishable food, as well as fresh produce, meat and dairy.

    Contact: Wesley Loar